Robert K. Antibus Trail
The Robert K. Antibus Trial Access is named and dedicated to long-time Park District Commissioner Dr. Robert “Bob” K. Antibus. Bob has faithfully served the citizens of Allen County as a park commissioner since January of 1993. He is the longest-serving commissioner in the Park District’s history. Bob is a retired professor of biology, having taught at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, University of Montana, Clarkson University and Bluffton University. He is well-known and respected in the field of mycology (study of fungi) and is often called upon by professionals for identification purposes.
Spencerville, Ohio 45887
Park Amenities
More About the Park
Volunteering has and continues to be an important part of Bob’s life, serving as a volunteer naturalist, hike leader, special event participant and as a trustee of the Park District Foundation of Allen County.
This trail access is dedicated in honor of Bob’s lifetime of service and commitment to natural resources. We hope that you enjoy your time here and that you get out and hike the ever-popular Miami and Erie Canal Towpath Trail, which is also part of the Buckeye Trail and the North Country National Scenic Trail.
- 12 acres
- Historic signage at trail entrance
- Family shelter (non-reservable)
- Main access to the Miami and Erie Canal Towpath Trail
- Adjacent to the Buckeye Trail
- Adjacent to the North Country National Scenic Trail