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Bird Monitoring – Diversity & Population Census Hikes

Ottawa Metro Park

A multitude of birds fly through this area during the spring & fall and many more are resident for some portion of the year. Join a Park Naturalist on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month and lend a watchful eye to help create a list of all the different types of birds that […]

Bird Monitoring – Diversity & Population Census Hikes

Ottawa Metro Park

A multitude of birds fly through this area during the spring & fall and many more are resident for some portion of the year. Join a Park Naturalist on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month and lend a watchful eye to help create a list of all the different types of birds that […]

Bird Monitoring – Diversity & Population Census Hikes

Ottawa Metro Park

A multitude of birds fly through this area during the spring & fall and many more are resident for some portion of the year. Join a Park Naturalist on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month and lend a watchful eye to help create a list of all the different types of birds that […]

Bird Monitoring – Diversity & Population Census Hikes

Ottawa Metro Park

A multitude of birds fly through this area during the spring & fall and many more are resident for some portion of the year. Join a Park Naturalist on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month and lend a watchful eye to help create a list of all the different types of birds that […]

Bird Monitoring – Diversity & Population Census Hikes

Ottawa Metro Park

A multitude of birds fly through this area during the spring & fall and many more are resident for some portion of the year. Join a Park Naturalist on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month and lend a watchful eye to help create a list of all the different types of birds that […]

Bird Monitoring – Diversity & Population Census Hikes

Ottawa Metro Park

A multitude of birds fly through this area during the spring & fall and many more are resident for some portion of the year. Join a Park Naturalist on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month and lend a watchful eye to help create a list of all the different types of birds that […]

Bird Monitoring – Diversity & Population Census Hikes

Ottawa Metro Park

A multitude of birds fly through this area during the spring & fall and many more are resident for some portion of the year. Join a Park Naturalist on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month and lend a watchful eye to help create a list of all the different types of birds that […]

Bird Monitoring – Diversity & Population Census Hikes

Ottawa Metro Park

A multitude of birds fly through this area during the spring & fall and many more are resident for some portion of the year. Join a Park Naturalist on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month and lend a watchful eye to help create a list of all the different types of birds that […]

Bird Monitoring – Diversity & Population Census Hikes

Ottawa Metro Park

A multitude of birds fly through this area during the spring & fall and many more are resident for some portion of the year. Join a Park Naturalist on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month and lend a watchful eye to help create a list of all the different types of birds that […]



Come play with us at the Herman Woodlands Imaginature Playscape! Join a naturalist at the West Shelter for a mini program, then spend the rest of the time playing and exploring in the Playscape and creek. Feel free to pack a picnic lunch and extra shoes and/or clothes for the ride home! Register by July […]

Bird Monitoring – Diversity & Population Census Hikes

Ottawa Metro Park

A multitude of birds fly through this area during the spring & fall and many more are resident for some portion of the year. Join a Park Naturalist on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month and lend a watchful eye to help create a list of all the different types of birds that […]


Robert K. Antibus Trail

Although modern technologies are making our life easier, more and more people are experiencing a sense of unease and anxiety. New scientific research is concluding our disconnect from nature may be the cause. Scientists are finding that a connection to the natural world is crucial for our health and well-being. Join a naturalist on the […]