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McElroy Environmental Education Center 2355 Ada Rd, Lima, OH

The Park District maintains several education animals in the McElroy Environmental Education Center, using them throughout the year for nature presentations and programs. Join the Critter Care volunteers to help (or watch) them clean and feed all our animals at 4 pm on the last Thursday of the month!


Robert K. Antibus Trail

Cover Band for 70-2000’s music

Tri-Moraine: Birding Across Ohio & Beyond

Jeremy Dominguez, the Birding Outreach Coordinator and Ornithologist for the Toledo Zoo and Aquarium will bring a flying start to the Tri-Moraine Audubon Society season. His program will delve into how the Toledo Zoo and Aquarium participates in worldwide bird conservation. Register by Sept. 3. Location of Program: Visitor Center at OSU Lima; 4240 Campus […]

Nature Pals: Fishing Fun

McElroy Environmental Education Center 2355 Ada Rd, Lima, OH

Children ages 3-5 along with their adult companion are invited to try their luck at fishing! After our indoor classroom time, we will hike to the pond at Teddy Bear Park. Dress to be outdoors. Register by Sept. 3.  

Nature Pals: Fishing Fun

McElroy Environmental Education Center 2355 Ada Rd, Lima, OH

Children ages 3-5 along with their adult companion are invited to try their luck at fishing! After our indoor classroom time, we will hike to the pond at Teddy Bear Park. Dress to be outdoors. Register by Sept. 3.  

Nature Pals: Fishing Fun

McElroy Environmental Education Center 2355 Ada Rd, Lima, OH

Children ages 3-5 along with their adult companion are invited to try their luck at fishing! After our indoor classroom time, we will hike to the pond at Teddy Bear Park. Dress to be outdoors. Register by Sept. 3.  

Nature Pals: Fishing Fun

McElroy Environmental Education Center 2355 Ada Rd, Lima, OH

Children ages 3-5 along with their adult companion are invited to try their luck at fishing! After our indoor classroom time, we will hike to the pond at Teddy Bear Park. Dress to be outdoors. Register by Sept. 3.  

Walking Thru Autumn

Heritage Park – West End 2092 Reed Rd, Lima, Ohio

There is nothing quite like a brisk walk and a breath of fresh air on a crisp autumn morning! Please join us for our 18th annual Walking Thru Autumn hiking series. Each week 60-90 participants gather for a guided hike, to take in the beauty of fall and explore some of the 30+ miles of […]

Nature Pals: Fishing Fun

McElroy Environmental Education Center 2355 Ada Rd, Lima, OH

Children ages 3-5 along with their adult companion are invited to try their luck at fishing! After our indoor classroom time, we will hike to the pond at Teddy Bear Park. Dress to be outdoors. Register by Sept. 3.  

Nature Pals: Fishing Fun

McElroy Environmental Education Center 2355 Ada Rd, Lima, OH

Children ages 3-5 along with their adult companion are invited to try their luck at fishing! After our indoor classroom time, we will hike to the pond at Teddy Bear Park. Dress to be outdoors. Register by Sept. 3.  


Robert K. Antibus Trail

Cover Band for 60-80’s music.

Jogging With Johnny

Ottawa Metro Park 2632 Ada Road, Lima, OH, United States

Experience autumn in the parks and “fall” into fitness with a Johnny Appleseed accountabili-buddy! Join Naturalist Lindsey for a warm-up walk and a few laps around Ottawa Metro Park. All ages and abilities are welcome in their fitness journey, whether you consider yourself a seed, a sapling, or cider! Choose a pace that is comfortable […]