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Walking Thru Autumn

October 28 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Please join us for the 11th consecutive year of the popular Walking Thru Autumn series. Each week, 50-70 participants meet for camaraderie and to explore some of the 27 miles of Metro Park trails. Upon completing 6 out of the 8 offered hikes, participants will receive a 2017 Metro Parks hiking stick medallion. Hand-made wood hiking sticks will be available for purchase for $10. All participants are required to pre-register by calling 419-221-1232.

All hikes start at 9:00 a.m., will last approximately 1 ½ to 2 hours and will be on easy to moderate terrain. September 9th marks the first hike; however, participants may register as late as September 23 for the final 6 hikes. After this date, walk-ins are welcome but will not be eligible for the hiking stick medallion.

Come enjoy the amazing beauty of fall as you explore your Metro Parks.


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